A manufacturer looking to upgrade their management software from a legacy system or implement an ERP software for the first time is faced with a multitude of choices. Each part of the manufacturing process is covered by its own software. For example, a manufacturer might run MRP software to plan production, MES to manage the shop floor, CMMS to manage maintenance, QMS for quality control, and WMS to track inventory. Most ERP systems on the market cover several of these functional areas, but few truly do everything out of the box. Most rely on third-party add-ons and integrations to provide complete coverage. This is particularly common for operations outside the core manufacturing workflow, such as maintenance, PLM, and quality management.


When it comes to CRM solutions, providers must adapt their product to fit a constantly changing business landscape. For example, more and more CRM solutions are now becoming available for mobile. This is a crucial advantage for modern companies and brings versatility to their CRM usage. Being able to maintain your customer relationships directly from your phone or tablet changes the way you operate and manage your sales activities.


Over the past few years, internet purchases have dramatically increased. Current statistics show that purchases made online have doubled between 2014 and 2015. The convenience of online shopping has made it the preferred medium for many shoppers with products and services at their fingertips via their smartphones or tablets. For example, consumer’s cart of online purchases on a mobile device has risen significantly during this time. In 2015, an average of 500€ of online purchases has been made via mobile by Europeans and $670 for US consumers. The eCommerce boom doesn’t seem to feel the effects of “economic crisis” as it continues to rise. Projections for the coming years show an even greater increase in these figures as a greater number of consumers convert to online shopping mediums.



Traditionally accounting has been treated as one of the dull and unexciting aspect of a business. However, as the business evolves the accounting department will become arguably one of the most important components in the success of that business. Accountants are perfectly positioned to be some of the most valuable informational resources in a company. They know the ins and outs of how the organization operates and are intimately acquainted with the organization’s current and projected financial position. It is critically important for the financial health of an organization to provide the accounting team with the tools they need in order to effectively monitor these factors.